Any need to introduce Munich-based Designer Konstantin Grcic? Probably not. Say Konstantin Grcic and people will immediately think of “Chair _One” or the “Mayday” lamp.
Surprisingly enough Konstantin Grcic’s work is not defined by certain traits or a specific style that uniquely marks his objects – he’s rather known for the complexity and richness of his oevre spanning everything from iconic furniture to simple objects like pens of utility items such as pots and tableware.
Looking at his approach and overall concept of creation it becomes clear that the is an industrialist at heart: his design ehtos is a constant attempt to experiment, invent, reinvent and improve function and aesthetics. And a number of brands like Flos, Magis, Muji and others have since counted on his meticulousness, versality and visionary style.
Vitra Design Museum takes the opportunity to start the season with “Panorama”, the largest solo exhibition of the designer to date. The show offers a comprehensive picture of Grcic’s work and at the same time constitutes a design project in its own right.
Grcic developed spacial installations especially on the occasion of the exhibition demonstrating his conceptions of life in the future. The spaces set in scene fictional scenarios like a residential interior, a design studio and an urban environment. They give insight into the designer’s inspirations, views and questions and position his work in a greater social context.
One of the sections of Panorama focuses on Grcic’s daily work porcess featuring many of his finished objects alongside prototypes, drawings as well as ephemera and artefacts that have inspired him over the years.
What makes “Panorama” special is that Grcic moves beyond the usual design show and widens the territory towards fundamental refleciton on his own work thoroughly disclosing his understandings of current technological shifts, innovations and revolvements in contemporary design.
Konstantin Grcic
Vitra Design Museum
Weil am Rhein
22 March – 14 September 2014